Laetitia Maklouf, Author, Gardener, Mother


Laetitia Maklouf is a writer, journalist, mother and gardener who writes about managing her garden in 5 minute chunks whilst being a Mum. I find her writing moving, funny and very inspiring; full of useful gardening tips and ideas and I love the way she tells it as it is.

My own mothering of young children was a tricky time as I often felt conflicted and guilty I wasn’t with my kids when I was working, and guilty that I wasn’t working when I was and I know this is a very common experience. Somehow Laetitia’s non apologetic descriptions of her life make me feel better about my own experience. My ‘children’ are now 30 and 27 so it’s all a bit academic these days but it’s still healing!

If you enjoy our conversation do sign up for her weekly newsletter which is a riot of straight-forward day-to-day description of her gardening and mothering. Her most recent book is The Five Minute Garden in which she shares her approach to keeping her garden cared for in a way that supports and satisfies her.   I also love her ‘Sweet Peas for Summer’ which describes how she created a garden in a year.

Our conversation was wide-ranging across the subjects of Lockdown parenting, finding time for yourself (she was getting up at 5.30am to get things done before the family woke up) gardening in 5 minutes a day. Oh, and mental health. 

Laetitia’s website and Instagram

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